Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Standing Room Only

Saturday nights are filled with standing room only’s and awkward cocktail shuffling. You arrive late to be denied a cushy view of soul jazz serenades and chromosome-shaking harmonies that immediately erase the ego conflict you may just have had with the doorman, who could really care less that your bra size gets you in free at the Roadhouse. 

As your feet find their space amid the black and the ivory of cross-legged luxury, it glides through your fingertips and grips the last breath of your pulse, renewing each blood cell as if its vibrations were your oxygen. Your entire body beats in cadence with the unassuming bass line, once the synchronicity of strings softly withdraws its intoxicating caress. Your lips don’t even feel the vodka as it marries the vermouth and loses itself inside of you. Bridges arch themselves in your somatic fluidity and flick their licks upon your tongue.

Kissing never felt this good.

You let yourself fall in love with your eyes closed, waiting to weaken with every undulation. And in that moment, you realise that Saturday nights are better left to standing room only’s. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Excerpts (2009-2011)

1. There’s a man who lives           stairs.

He paints god on the walls
And holds his rosary beads
Until daylight f   a
Through the c   ra c    ks of his window pane

2. We read controversy as false delusion,
Sipping saccharine wine to ease reality
And condemning his perception
For the lull(lulled babies)abies we pay to be sung

3.Home is our asylum and our hospital bed,
Our Bell Jar of softer compassion
Where we become our own cellmates;
Soulmates, sleeping in the same sheets
And speaking from the same tongue
                                                                                                         at last.

4. And you still look stunning in the dark

5. in a world that recoils to human touch we look for a cure under the veins of influence a venom that seduces our scruples and fuses our perspectives to match its AB blood type a recipient to every donor weighing down our eyelids as we medicate our hearts because the world looks better on rose-colored pills

6. But in the end, they will all sound like turquoise
And speak like velvet,
Dance with their own silhouette,
While making love to you with their eyes.


8.We are all impaired in this perfection,
Granted fault instead of reason,

C6H12O6(s) + 6O2(g) → 6CO2(g) + 6H2O(l) 
We fumble into vulnerability.

9. et je te donnerais mon cœur s’il arrêterait de fondre à ton toucher 

10. For silence reveals more
Than the mouths who’ve tied up too many tongues,
They presstheirlips against the quiet
And wait for their turn
To kiss complication
Good night.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Every knot wraps its musculature
Around pockets of nitrogen,
Distending insecurities,
Contracting capillaries,
Denying them their freedom
From a bled-to-mend body.

Ligatures recoil with every breath
As needled therapy
Digs into scarlet fibres;
Extracts of memory dissipate
In a current of blue,
Their blank slates wiping clean
Every strand of excess pride.

I’m no superhero,
Wide eyed and wonderful,
But I’ll play the part
Until my body catches me,
Lying to redeem itself,
To make sleepless of itself
To make time for more space
To live outside of itself;
To reassure my ego
That this indulgence
Can extend beyond
The human kinaesthetic.

But I’m sipping sedatives
To a slow twitch,
Waiting for these lungs to catch up
With the marathon in my mind,
Waiting for this heart
To quit beating for every love
That holds me irresponsibly intimate
With eyes and lips
That don’t live here anymore. 

And if I could, I’d separate myself in two
To split this feeling in my chest,
Leave more room for you to fill
And less for me to abuse. 

But I'm no superhero,
Wide eyed and wonderful,
I'm just playing the part
Until my body catches up with me. 

Monday, May 2, 2011

Memory Box

I feel you stroke sunlight 
From under my skin,
Catching nuances with your fingertips
In the curve of my spine,
Kissing small collisions
Of nature’s designs
Slowly, patiently, intimately –
Your words, oscillating
Above bedspread covers,
Loosening algorithms,
White and warm in morning wake;

How they unfurl
As if extensions of our breath,
Ebbing, so slow and bare
From a palate
Grown familiar with your cadence,
With the pauses in your language,
With the way your lips taste
When you smile.

I can feel your thoughts
Trace parallels on my tongue,
Their lines stumbling upon letters
Of another past,
Where dozens of envelopes,
Filled with pages worth a lifetime of ink,
Wait for you to open them.

If our bodies could lie
Forever in this bed,
Rereading stories to each other
By touch,
Tracing light from its refraction,
And feeling nothing
But the comfort of this simplicity,
Our hearts wouldn’t have to break into postcards
Made to fit love
In five justified lines.

But we make memory boxes
Out of our minds,
And move on from moments
Of impressing nostalgia,
Saving our ellipses for another morning
Where the sheets under which we sleep
Can once again feel like they’ve been lived in. 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Abstracts of Existence

Candle light flickers
In the reflection of crystalline eyes–
The glow of meditated musing
Breathes pencil wisps of peculiar insight,
Curling upwards and out of existence,
Only to return to the ethereal light
As if to form an endless train of thought.

Conversations replay in each cerebral node,
Firing words into electric nothingness
To awaken a nocturnal consciousness
Where belief unearths the fear
Of failing to find truth in the now,
Of uprooting a soul anomaly
Whose origins are too deep to materialize
And too devout to relate to
The regression of humanity,
Our purchased sense of self,
And the simulation of our insecurities.

Spherical oceans search for the nearest tear ducts
As the blue begins to sketch 
          In each curve 
Drawing portraits of the internal
Onto mirrors of human potential.

Illusions begin to dissipate
And the dark divulges the depths of its creation:
Imagination breathes through a body of questions,
Feeling, freeing, remembering
Of love what cannot be understood
Inside illusive formalities –
Parodies of reality
That revel in false sensitivities –

These societal models made visual
To prove to our physical
That love is another market transaction:
A set of benefits
Taken from the pension
Of a slowing heart’s existence;
An incentive for living in the future
When the flaws of the present
Can no longer pretend to sleep
Under feathered retribution
As their pasts keep beating the body into emotion
Instead of releasing it from its own skin–

How fragile all of our hearts have become.

We are taught to survive
In a world of statistics
Where each accomplishment
Fills our measuring cup of self-worth
With accolades of constructed perfection.

We accept ourselves
According to audience applause
And the ways in which we can be loved
Instead of our infinite capacities
Through which we are able to love.

We forget we are more than just skeletons
In soft-shell cover-ups,
More than blood and genetics
And sensory extremities,
More than the emotions
We ascribe to each organ
And our nervous system of excuses.

We are more than texts
And the histories that define us;
More than the products of academia
And the figures that pay our mortgages.
We are more than just an assembly line future –
More than what we give ourselves credit for.

We are more than what we perceive;
We are without of what we perceive,
Yet we fear that what we are not
Will change who we have yet to become.

Descending a mythological metaphor
Where two hearts marry in a cherrywood casket,
The foundations of a better life
Are paved along the walls of graveyard hollows;
6 foot intrusions into nature’s rebirth
Where dirt beds and scripted eulogies
Preserve the fear in tradition.

While a deeper reality exists above
The burial grounds of today’s consensus,
We keep digging for salvation
Instead of breathing it in,
Convinced that destiny lies beneath us
And not within each of us –

How lost all of our hearts have become.

As we place our trust in wealthy hands,
Our love in selective memory,
Our health in tomorrow's technology,
And our futures in timetable deadlines,
We struggle to question
Whether we are living to be
Or living to do.

Each of us holds the answer to truth
But we cannot unlock it
When apathy and ignorance
Make for comfortable bedfellows;
Reach into the heart that was once unbroken,
And revive the love that gives light to the soul –
Awaken the unconscious from this century’s sleep
And begin to see
That life is more than mere existence. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Reasoned silence beats blood
Under the skin of this tambourine,
Teaching wooden fingers to thread love
From a man-made machine;

As needles quilt linens
Into bedspreads of boundaries,
I sleep in blankets of inhibition,
Learning to sew nerve-endings
On pillowed intimacy,
So that I can fall asleep feeling
More than just the requiems of a synthetic reality.

I operate under requisites,
Painting premature canvases
With explicit habit,
Embellishing stylized scripts
To match postmodern wit,
And anatomizing body after body
For a language more complex
Than the usual tendency
Hoping they’ll study me with the same tenacity
As his anaesthetic human art

Because blue eyes can’t be the only colour to coalesce this heart. 

Saturday, February 12, 2011


A swell in blood pressure
Soaks through the tables
Of a disposable weekend vice,
Pooling across a wreck of unruly smiles
And lazy eyelash love
To sink its teeth in soft confessions

The lights dim further down our bodies  
And lace our hands in fingertip memory:
I'm running my mind over your mouth
To recall the way you taste,
Your kiss tempting poison and pills
In the same uneasy breath...

If we could all seal our lips
And prescribe opiates to our hearts,
We could trade doctorates for liquid cures
And censorship for talkshow truth.

Every tongue-slide seeking therapy
Could turn our mouths into educated scholars
With unlicensed intentions
And literary pasts
Where our names would only be remembered
To fit each of our faces.

A medical itinerary will define our psychology,
Wire every colour in a heartbeat
To play amongst our words
And sleep outside the doors of our ears
Because science seems to hold more logic
Than the loveless hearts of selfish youth;
And so my faults fall impatiently
From an arrested decorum.

Every soul in the room
Peering unconsciously
Through a pair of static eyes,
Holds neither envy nor desire
For a body of seconds in a timeless night,
But my words just seem to spin silk
Around the heads of numbed reality.

Only when the sugar begins to seep from my veins
Will I learn to drink my own remedies.